Tag Archives: Willie George

Stuck in an Island

Seeds Conference Break out session
Stuck in an island
By: Gabriel George

What are we going to do with the challenges?

Out of your control, don’t build your house on these problem. Roll with things. Don’t allow pressures and challenges to take you to the island. An island mentality isolates us, make us ineffective. We are looking for the rain, but we got ditches to dig.

Let it go, and work on the stuff that you can do.

Problems to solve and tensions to manage.

Presentation- dress in excellence. It’s a big deal.
Don’t show up sloppy.

9 things for a better children’s ministry
1. Act like the kind of leader you would want to follow. Pastor to children, not just a children’s pastor.
2. Appreciate the gifts in the people around you. You start to tare down walls.
3. Don’t decide anything when your feelings are hurt.
God is not going to move in me when I am offended.
4. Timing! Timing! Timing!
We don’t always have the time we want with our Pastor’s.
5. Show up with a solution. Think ahead. Don’t go to your pastor until your ready to.
6. Stick to the plan.
Do that and get out of the meeting.

7. Own your lane.
Be assertive, and aggressive. Run with your ministry. Do the things that you can do. Don’t start stepping on everyone’s toes.
8. Don’t chase affirmation.
Let your fruit grow when you do it the right way.
Do it for the right reasons.
9. Jesus calls the best to children’s ministry. -Willie George


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