Tag Archives: God

Back to Basics


When we look at the life and teaching of Jesus, we’re reminded how important it is to go back to the basics. Luke gives us some insight into how Jesus grew up. Luke 2:52 notes that Jesus grew in wisdom and in favor with God and others. Throughout our lives, we should also circle back to these ideas as we seek to live like Jesus.

These are the basics: Wisdom—I need to make the wise choice; Faith—I can trust God no matter what; Friendship—I should treat others the way I want to be treated.

When we return to these ideas, we can begin to discover what God is doing in us to change the world around us. This summer we’re heading back to Base Camp where we’ll learn from the life of Jesus, His teachings, and His example.

The monthly memory verse is: “And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and men,” Luke 2:52, NIrV. When we respond to God and follow where He leads, we will see ourselves develop in wisdom, faith, and friendship. Then we will be able to set the example for other people.

In Week One’s biblical principle, Luke tells us how Jesus grew up (Luke 2:52). Jesus grew closer to God by growing in wisdom, faith, and friendship. Our Bottom Line is: God is doing something in you to change the world around you. We can’t change the world until we allow God to change us on the inside and make us more like Jesus.

By Jessica McKee ©2013 The reThink Group. All rights reserved. http://www.ThinkOrange.com *Used by permission.

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8 Things we love about summer


Cooler full of ice and ice cream? Check.
Friends? Check.
Snacks? Check.
Swimming trunks? Check.
Radio? Check.
No, we are not going to the beach, we are on our way to Genesis kids!
Because the sky looks like an ocean full of coconut cotton candy, trees and flowers are brighter than a unicorn in any cartoon, and sand is stuck between every kids toes, we are going to celebrate summer. Well, maybe not summer as much as the goodness of God. We all have great memories of summer. For me, it was- not going to school. The point is, we want your kids to not just have a memory of God’s goodness, but to have a daily experience of it. In this new series, we will be talking about the good things of summer, such as ice cream, friends, raiding the pantry when mom and dad are at work, and so forth. We are comparing each thing, with how much better it is to have a relationship with God.
If you would like to know more about our new series, stop by the Genesis Kids wing, and I’ll be more then happy to share the excitement with you. We will also post our service notes every Sunday, for you to recap with your kids midweek.
We look forward to serving you and your kids this summer, with our 8 part series.

In Love,


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People want the fire of God, but there can be no fire without a sacrifice on the altar. Fire comes when there is a sacrifice present.

Will you surrender all to Him today???

I Surrender All
1. All to Jesus I surrender;
all to him I freely give;
I will ever love and trust him,
in his presence daily live.
I surrender all, I surrender all,
all to thee, my blessed Savior,
I surrender all.

2. All to Jesus I surrender;
humbly at his feet I bow,
worldly pleasures all forsaken;
take me, Jesus, take me now.

3. All to Jesus I surrender;
make me, Savior, wholly thine;
fill me with thy love and power;
truly know that thou art mine.

4. All to Jesus I surrender;
Lord, I give myself to thee;
fill me with thy love and power;
let thy blessing fall on me.

5. All to Jesus I surrender;
now I feel the sacred flame.
O the joy of full salvation!
Glory, glory, to his name!

Till Next Time,

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Stuck in an Island

Seeds Conference Break out session
Stuck in an island
By: Gabriel George

What are we going to do with the challenges?

Out of your control, don’t build your house on these problem. Roll with things. Don’t allow pressures and challenges to take you to the island. An island mentality isolates us, make us ineffective. We are looking for the rain, but we got ditches to dig.

Let it go, and work on the stuff that you can do.

Problems to solve and tensions to manage.

Presentation- dress in excellence. It’s a big deal.
Don’t show up sloppy.

9 things for a better children’s ministry
1. Act like the kind of leader you would want to follow. Pastor to children, not just a children’s pastor.
2. Appreciate the gifts in the people around you. You start to tare down walls.
3. Don’t decide anything when your feelings are hurt.
God is not going to move in me when I am offended.
4. Timing! Timing! Timing!
We don’t always have the time we want with our Pastor’s.
5. Show up with a solution. Think ahead. Don’t go to your pastor until your ready to.
6. Stick to the plan.
Do that and get out of the meeting.

7. Own your lane.
Be assertive, and aggressive. Run with your ministry. Do the things that you can do. Don’t start stepping on everyone’s toes.
8. Don’t chase affirmation.
Let your fruit grow when you do it the right way.
Do it for the right reasons.
9. Jesus calls the best to children’s ministry. -Willie George


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Gear up

Get your ministry into gear. Get a ministry logo, and make t-shirts to create unity and professionalism into your ministry.

Our Gear






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Uh, I’m so confused…

Uh, I’m so confused… If only we knew that every word that comes out of our mouth, our spirit receives as truth. We are so cautious as to not swear, or use any kind of profanity, but what about when we feel confused? Do we allow satan to sit back and watch us defeat ourselves with our own confession? As we speak to our kids about Faith as our super power, we are taking all masks off of everyday situations that cause us to lack faith. Confusion is taboo, it is not spoken about often, but it affects the decisions we make. Our preteens are at a point in their life’s, where they will have to make major life decisions at school, with friends, and family. They must understand, that like Solomon, they can ask God for wisdom, and He will not rebuke them. Show them that it works, prove to them that the word of God is living, and not dead. Memorize it, speak it, and they will see it come to life.

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